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2021-2022 Knockout Series

Online contest series for the 2022 -23 season

The Ottawa Branch Knockouts have been a staple in the region for decades. The series has multiple divisions for pipers and drummers.

Due to ongoing complications associated with COVID-19, the 2021-2022 events will be held online.


Rules and Regulations

Stating your name and contest

All video submissions must start with the competitor stating your name, the name of the tunes, and the name of the contest (for example first Knockout online contest for November 2021). This is important to help ensure that your submission is unique for that contest.

Drumming recordings

Drummers are not required to play along with a piper, but they are encouraged to play along with a recording. Please ensure that the recording is loud enough to be heard on the video (you might have to experiment with placement of your equipment). You are free to play along with the recordings for snare drummers on the PPBSO website. To facilitate participation, drummers may also opt to use a drum pad instead of a full drum.

Highland dress

We’re asking competitors to play in highland dress to help keep the spirit of the Knockouts. Rules on what constitutes proper highland dress can be found in the PPBSO Rule Book

Results and Points

After the last round, the three competitors with the most points in the A, B, C and 40+ divisions will be invited to compete in a final round where the winner of the final round in each division will be the 2021-22 Knockout champion.

Division points will be awarded as follows:

1st place – 6 points

2nd place – 5 points

3rd place – 4 points

4th place – 3 points

5th place – 2 points

6th place – 1 point

In the event of a tie for the last qualifying place(s) at the end of March, competitors with matching points will be invited to the final round.

2021-22 Knockout Results 

2021-22 Knockouts- 22 Jan Winners
2012-22 Knockouts- 26 Feb Winners
2021-22 Knockouts- 26 March Winners
2021-22 Knockout- FINALS
Knockout Results
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