There was a terrific turnout for the most recent Knockout on October 26th. A total of 31 competitors entered across the 40+, C and B categories!
The winner of the 2019 P/M Archie Cairns Cup was Robert Macleod and judge Alan Clark played a great set of tunes afterward.
The evening began with a Branch AGM. Highlights from the past year and plans for the next year regarding bass/tenor and piobaireachd events were discussed. An executive was also elected.
Ottawa Branch executive for 2019-2020
President – Jacob Dicker
Vice President 1 – Ron Graham
Vice President 2 – Allan MacKenzie
Treasurers – Wendy McGillivray-Baskerville and Cindy Ritchie
Karine Mayers – Social Media
Shahna Summers – Web Content and News
Megan McIntosh – Eastern Ontario Champion Supreme
It is important to have diverse representation on the executive committee, and the 2019-20 team includes pipers, tenors and snare drummers representing seven bands from across Eastern Ontario. Stay tuned for exciting updates about the year ahead!

B Piping Winner Robert Macleod with Branch Vice President Allan MacKenzie and President Jacob Dicker.
B Piping – Slow Air, 6/8 March
Robert Macleod
Charles Pianosi
Jonathan Shepherd
Rory McKinnon
Noah Yateman
Megan McIntosh

C Piping Winner Richard Chaytor with Branch Vice President Allan MacKenzie and President Jacob Dicker.
C Piping – 2/4 March
Richard Chaytor
Joseph Durst
Dominic Kilpatrick
Olivier Verville
Robert Trayner

40+ Piping Winner Mike Walsh with Branch Vice President Allan MacKenzie and President Jacob Dicker.
40+ Piping
Mike Walsh