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World Pipe Band Championships Viewing Party, Vimy Brewery, Saturday August 17th at 5:30 am

The Ottawa Highlanders are hosting a World Pipe Band Championships viewing party at Vimy Brewery on August 17th. Start time is 5:30am with the MSR contest followed at 8:30am with the Medley contest.

We are extending an invitation to all area pipers, drummers and pipe band enthusiasts to come out and enjoy this event on the large screen with us and our friends. We want to foster a positive camaraderie among our pipe band community in Eastern Ontario and we hope to have many of you join us. Please pass this on to your band members and friends we hope to see you all there!!

You can find all the details on our Facebook event here:

5:30 a.m. Doors open 9:00 a.m. Taps open

MSRs at 5:45am (EST) Medleys at 10:15a (EST)

$5 at the door, cash only

$5 to submit a top 6 predictions. Winner gets 50% of the revenue as part of the prize package. (If a tie should occur, the tie will be broken by the draw of a name)




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