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Call for AGM Motions

The Annual General Meeting of the Pipers’ and Pipe Band Society of Ontario will be held on Saturday, November 7th in Brantford, Ontario. Those present at this meeting will discuss a range of issues related to the management of the Society, including motions from member branches for rule changes to the PPBSO Rulebook.

If you would like to propose changes to the PPBSO Rulebook please forward a motion to any member of the Ottawa Branch Executive. Draft motions will be discussed and voted on at the first Branch Knockout of the season on October 3rd, and then forwarded to the main PPBSO office for inclusion in the November 7th agenda.

Information on the November 7th meeting will be distributed shortly by the main PPBSO office to all current PPBSO members by mail. This package typically includes the meeting agenda, financial summaries, draft motions and proxy forms in case you are not able to attend in person and would like someone to cast votes on your behalf.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of the Ottawa Branch Executive.


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