The PDQB Info-session, originally planned for September 29th, is being postponed and a new date will be announced shortly.
We have received a high level of interest for this, but a large majority of interested folks have also indicated that they can not attend on the afternoon of September 29th. A later date will also allow for more material and information to be finalized, allowing for a more thorough info-session.
Information shared previously about what PDQB is, and why the Branch is supporting this PPBSO initiative is provided below.
***Please note that all other events planned for September 29th (AGM and Knockout) are proceeding as planned.***
Sign up for the Knockouts
There is still time to sign up for the Knockout contests if you haven’t yet done so! As in previous years, order of play for the first Knockout will be in reverse order of entry, so sign up earlier to secure a later draw.
Piping and Drumming Qualifications Board (PDQB) Initiative
As highlighted at the Ottawa Branch Indoor Highland Games on May 5th, the Ottawa Branch is supporting new efforts to encourage piping and drumming certification and tuition for both teachers and students in Eastern Ontario. To do so, the PPBSO and Ottawa Branch are going to support uptake of the Piping and Drumming Qualifications Board‘s (PDQB) certifications in the region.
What is PDQB?
The PDQB was established in 2006 “by the RSPBA and the member organisations of the Institute of Piping (Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming, College of Piping, National Piping Centre and Piobaireachd Society), to create a single structure of certificated qualifications in Piping, Pipe Band Drumming, Pipe Bands and associated areas”.
The PDQB offers certificates to pipers, drummers, as well as piping and drumming instructors at various levels.
Why is the PPBSO and Ottawa Branch promoting PDQB certifications?
PDQB certification is a great motivator for education, and offers a method to recognize players’ abilities outside of competition grades. Over the longer term, the PPBSO wants to implement this model such that piping and drumming qualifications could be recognized as curriculum credits by school boards.