Reed and Sound Fundamentals Workshop
Saturday, April 9th | 1:30 pm – RCAF Officers’ Mess
The PPBSO Ottawa Branch is pleased to offer a Reed and Sound Fundamentals Workshop with John Elliott of Sound Supreme Reeds. In this session, John will focus on:
pipe reed making,
reed manipulation,
trouble shooting and setup.
This workshop is geared towards all levels of players and will provide some insights into the working efforts of producing a quality sound.
2016 Glengarry Cup
Saturday, April 9th | 7:30 pm – RCAF Officers’ Mess
The Glengarry Cup Open MSR Contest is open to select participants, each of which is asked to submit a march, strathspey, and reel of their own choice (minimum four parts each). This is set to be a great evening with lots of good tunes from the best in the area! We are pleased to be joined by John Elliott to judge the event.
Ottawa Branch Indoor Highland Games
Saturday, May 7th | St. Michael High School, Kemptville
Join us in Kemptville and enjoy solo piping and drumming competitions in the morning, followed by quartet and pipe band competitions in the afternoon.
Ready to compete but not registered yet?
Other Upcoming Events in Eastern Ontario
April 10th – Kidz at Heart with the RCMP Pipes and Drums
April 23rd – Quigley Wigley
May 28th – Kingston Scottish Festival