The Glengarry School of Piping and Drumming along with the Glengarry Pipe Band presents Andrew Elliott, lead tenor of the world champion Field Marshall Montgomery Pipe Band. The work shop will be held on March 9th from 9am to 12pm at Maxville Public School. Cost: $10.00/person The workshop will include topics such as:
expanding basic Flourishing
Rhythm rudiments
Technique Tuning
Score Writing
Please come out and support this effort to advance your skills and further promote piping and drumming in Eastern Ontario. Pipe Majors and Lead Drummers are also welcome and encouraged to attend. The workshop will give them an inside look at what mid sections are capable of and how they can help the overall pipe band ensemble.
For more information contact Jim Bush at or Shelby MacCrimmon-Bush at or The Glentgarry School of Piping and Drumming at or either band or school on facebook.