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Mod Chanada 2014, General Information, Piping competitions, and Piobaireachd Workshop

Mod Chanada 2014 – General Information

University of Ottawa May 30th – June 1st

Mòd Chanada 2014

Ar Cànan ‘s Ar Ceòl

Mòd Chanada 2014 is one of 3 Mòd’s held around the globe. A Mòd is a gathering and competition of Scottish Gàidhlig language, singing and instrumental competitions and demonstrations.

Attendance and competitions in singing, speaking, instrumental playing, art and much more are open to the general public. Special guests to be announced shortly.




Friday, May 30th

6:30-pm – 9pm· Drama, Spoken Oral Competitions

University of Ottawa, Lamoureux Building Room# LMX 106

Saturday, May 31st

9am – 5pm· Official Opening Ceremony with Mayor Watson, written address from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and introduction of our esteemed adjudicators

· Special Performances, Keynotes and Demonstrations

· Solo, Group and Choral Singing Competitions

· Instrumental Competitions (Practice Chanter, Small Pipes, Piobaireachd, Whistle, Fiddle and Harp)

· Highland Dancing Competitions

· Seminars (Piobaireachd)

· Silent Auction and other items for sale

· Lunch available for a nominal fee

Main Events:

University of Ottawa, Arts Building Room# ART 033

Instrumental Competitions:

University of Ottawa, Lamoureux Building Room# LMX 106

Ottawa City Piping College End of Year Concert:

University of Ottawa, Lamoureux Building Room# LMX 339

Store / Lunch / Silent Auction:

University of Ottawa, Lamoureux Building Room# LMX 121

Saturday, May 31st

7pm – 11pm· Mòd Ceilidh includes supper, song and fellowship ($25 / per person)

28 Granville Avenue (Off Byron)

Sunday, June 1st

· Piobaireachd workshop with Pipe Major Bruce Campbell of Duntroon Publishing, Scotland ($25 per half day or $50 for the full day)

University of Ottawa, Lamoureux Building Room# LMX 122

Sunday, June 1st

9am – Noon· Gàidhlig language workshop with Beathag Mhoireasdan, Ilse of Lewis, Scotland ($25 )

28 Granville Avenue (Off Byron)


Adult: $10 ; Children 5 – 12: $5 ; Family: $25

Military/Police Veterans and Senior Citizens: Goodwill offering

Children (under 5): free

Paid up or those taking out an annual CGO membership: free

 Competitors are admitted free if they are competing in two or more competitions (most of which are $5/each competition).

1 parent per highland dancer is admitted free of charge.

There are great prizes to be won!     

For information, visit our website at: or email:

Piping Competitions – Saturday, May 31st, 2014

University of Ottawa, Lamoureux Building Room# LMX 106

NOTE: You do NOT need a PPBSO card to compete at the Mod. Please plan on attending, competing and supporting Mod Chanada as it continues to grow in the local community.


NOTE: Where songs are not prescribed, two copies (words and music) one with English translation, MUST accompany the entry along with a completed adjudication sheet. In advance of the Mòd is preferable and appreciated.

(1) In all competitions, the decision of the adjudicators is final.

(2) Competitors are required to be ready to appear according to schedule and when called.

(3) Songs are to be sung/played without accompaniment, except in Competitions 15 and 19.

(4) All song performances (solo and choral) will be limited to 28 lines of lyrics. This applies to all levels of competitions (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18)

(5) The number of prizes may be reduced to ONE in the case of any competition in which the number of competitors is less than FOUR.

(6) No prize will be awarded in any competition in which the standard of performance is judged to be unsatisfactory.

(7) Winners of first or other prizes including medals, shields and ribbons presented at the Mòd Concert must be available to perform at the Mòd Concert at the end of the day.

(8) Competing choirs should consist of between ten and twenty-six voices

(9) For the Mòd Concert – choirs and instrumentalists should practice the annual prescribed tune which is named in the annual syllabus supplement.

(10) Date of entry and special conditions are as stated in the Mòd Syllabus Supplement.

(11) Ribbons will not be awarded more than once to any competitor, and they may not they be awarded in any year when fewer than THREE eligible competitors.

(12) Competitors will not offer as their own choice any of the PRESCRIBED songs in the Mòd Canada Syllabus Supplement.

(13) Competitors may be allowed to consult books or music during competitions, however doing so will likely result in a lower overall scoring.

(14) All Shields can be retained by the winners for one year and must be returned to the Comunn Gàidhlig Ottawa Secretary not later than 15th October annually.

(15) Competitor Levels:

J – in the Junior Section must be within the prescribed age group on 1st October of the current Mòd Canada. This is the class children should enter (Under 12 years old).

B – Any competitor 12 years of age or more on the 1st May of the current year’s Mòd Canada and who has been formally studying Gàidhlig or their respective instrument or dance for less than two years is eligible to compete at the Gaelic Beginner level for competition providing entry qualifications are met.

I – Any competitor 12 years of age or more on the 1st May of the current year’s Mòd Canada and who has been formally studying Gàidhlig or their respective instrument or dance for more than two years is eligible to compete at the Gaelic Intermediate level for competitions, providing entry qualifications are met.

A – Any competitor 12 years of age or more on the 1st May of the current year’s Mòd Canada and who is fluent or close to fluent in Gàidhlig or their respective instrument or dance is eligible to compete at the Gaelic Advanced level for competitions, providing entry qualifications are met.

(16) Where songs are not prescribed, two copies (words and music) one with English translation, MUST accompany the entry along with a completed adjudication sheet. In advance of the Mòd is preferable and appreciated.

(17) RECITING POETRY FROM MEMORY (2J/B/I/A), RECITING PROSE FROM MEMORY (3J/B/I/A), GAELIC CONVERSATION (4J/B/I/A), GAELIC STORYTELLING (5J/B/I/A), GAELIC JOKETELLING (6J/B/I/A) competitions will be in Gaelic only with a time limit of 3 minutes. English translation sheets for some of the material will be available for those interested in following in English.

(18) Morning Adjudication sheets will be available shortly after the event category has finished and been adjudicated by the adjudicator.

(19) A competitor who has won the overall gold medal in any category for two years in a row is not eligible to win the overall gold medal for the following two years.

(20) All prescribed pieces will be emailed/mailed to competitors once they have registered for the Mòd.

There are always an array of great prizes to be won at Mòd Canada. Lunch is served and unique items can be purchased at our on-site store and silent-auction.

NOTE: Taking an annual $25 annual membership in Comunn Gàidhlig Ottawa includes 1 individual entry to the Mòd. All other competitors must pay the appropriate entry fee to the Mòd. All competitor members and non-member must pay the price for each event as indicated on the Category Pages

Existing members are asked to purchase their entries, and will receive a $5 refund (1 Individual Event Entry) after their entries are processed. Prescribed tunes will be sent by post as soon as is practical after payment has been processed.



22J/B/I/A MARCH Play two parts of a pre-submitted march (Open) (Own Choice)

There will be 3 ribbons (1st, 2nd, 3rd) awarded in this category for those with the three highest scores.

o       The competitor with the highest score in practice chanter events will be awarded the Sons of Scotland Shield.


23J/B/I/A MARCH Play four parts of a pre-submitted march (Open) (Own Choice)

o       There will be 3 ribbons (1st, 2nd, 3rd) awarded in this category for those with the three highest scores.

o       24J/B/I/A STRATHSPEY and REEL

o       Play four parts of a pre-submitted Strathspey and Reel or a 2-4 minute medley. (Open) (Own Choice)

o       There will be 3 ribbons (1st, 2nd, 3rd) awarded in this category for those with the three highest scores.

PÌOBAIREACHD (New for 2013)

25J/B/I/A Play the Ùrlar (Open, own choice, but must provide the name/music at registration)

o       There will be 3 ribbons (1st, 2nd, 3rd) awarded in this category for those with the three highest scores.

The competitor with the highest averaged score in the Piping Events will be awarded the Wayne Bisaillion Medal of Excellence and will win a prize (which will be determined annually)

Mod Chanada 2014 – PRIZES

PIPING – In 2014, pipers will be competing for a nice assortment of prizes donated from:

Ottawa Folklore Center, Jim McGillivray Piping, McCarthy Highland Services and Wallace Bagpipes


o       The Advanced Competitor with the highest score in 3 events (1 singing, 1 oral and 1 other) will win an award (to be determined annually)

o       The Intermediate Competitor with the highest score in 3 events (1 singing, 1 oral and 1 other) will win an award (to be determined annually)

o       The Beginner Competitor with the highest score in 3 events (1 singing, 1 oral and 1 other) will win an award (to be determined annually)

o       The Comunn Gàidhlig Directors or a quorum of will award the person they feel brought the most overall in promoting the Gaelic cause to the Mòd with the coveted Comunn Gàidhlig Ottawa award of excellence. (This can be an individual or group from any discipline)

The Urlar competition is open to whichever Urlar a competitor would like to play.

But, competitors need to identify the Urlar they’ll be playing, provide a written copy of the tune at registration, and bring a copy when they compete.

Piobaireachd Workshop – Sunday, June 1st, 2014

University of Ottawa, Lamoureux Building Room# LMX 122


a one day workshop in two halfs

Morning session Let’s blow away the cobwebs of half-truths, ‘black art’ and mystery to expose what is really a fascinating and most enjoyable subject. In this session I’ll explain the structure of Piobaireachd and how understanding its make-up makes both memorising and playing much easier. This session is also suitable for those who just want to gain an appreciation of the art without actually wanting to tread the competition boards while for performing pipers it will establish a framework which will transform your playing to new heights. Phrasing, stress (wrongly known as ‘accent’) as well as cadences and other embellishments (including the Crunluadh) are all put under scrutiny as well as how to appreciate a good tune. The session will be capped by musical performances to illustrate the talk. At the end an open forum will encourage questions from the floor.

Afternoon session This is a performance-related segment but one which is designed for all levels of player from novice upwards. Hands-on practice chanter work will take you through the best way to learn embellishments and tunes. That will set up a practical look at a couple of Piobaireachd (notation is supplied). Finally, an ‘on-instrument’ session will look at the need for a top class pipe sound (help is given here) and the opportunity to play in concert. If there is time a problem solving session will finish the day off.

Early-bird prices (Until Saturday, May 3rd) are: morning session is $25, full day is $50 Workbook will be sold at ½ price (Cost TBA) Register now at: NOTE: If you register after May 3rd, prices will be morning session will be $35 and full day $70


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